
We are Bud and Beth. We sold most of our belongings (stored the rest) and hit the road for one year around the world. Follow our adventure as we go to 26 countries and 45 cities (give or take a few) in one year. 

Life happens, change of plans!

Life happens, change of plans!

For those of you who do not follow Bud and I on our personal Facebook, you are probably wondering where we went. Let me fill you in. Last week we got a call from Bud’s family letting us know his sister has a major-medical issue. We were stunned and trying to decide what we should do. The family thought we should stay and keep traveling but we weren’t sure. Then two days later we got a message that my daughter went into labor prematurely at 6 weeks early. We knew my daughter and the baby were okay but we still didn’t know if we should go home or not. Then we realized, Bud was still not fully recovered from the India bug he got a few months back. So, between the three things (three strikes your out) we decided that we had better head home and take care of our families and health.  So, with little hesitation, we booked a flight for the next day and after 3 plane rides and 22 hours we surprised our families with our sudden appearance.

We are disappointed that we had to cut our trip short and financially it just did not work out to take a break and go back and continue. We had booked and prepaid our airfare at the beginning of the trip through Airtreks so there was only a small amount of wiggle room plus added fees to change the flights. We had also pre-paid our flights with airline miles to come home for the baby’s original due date. Unfortunately, that made it much more expensive to take a break from the trip. So yes, another lesson learned. And no, we didn’t get travel insurance but I am not so sure it would have covered these issues, but I am going to look into it.

Right now, I am going to take a week or two break to get situated in our new apartment and visit my sweet little granddaughter Scout. (Scout Elizabeth Len Pentecost 18 inches and 4 lb 1.9 oz). I do however, have some more photos and travel thoughts that I do want to send out. We tracked all of expenses and I think they may be useful to someone. We also have an opinion on the pros and cons of the Eurail pass and Airtreks. I feel we have some good advice on things we learned along the road that is worth sharing. I really appreciate everyone who followed along with us on our amazing trip. You will be hearing from me again in the near future. Thank you so much for all your interest. Beth

What we spent for the month of January was worth every cent!

What we spent for the month of January was worth every cent!